Thursday, August 7, 2008

a show at the library

here is a series of images of work done for my show at the library this year. i am not sure if i will change it to something else but i think i might. This show is all about relationships with my family. the words don't necessarily have strong ties to family but rather words that need to be spoken. Here are the pictures:

in the city with the boys

on a day to the city with Max and Alex, we rode the bus from Westminster to downtown. started as early as we did
the sky beautiful and the buildings climbed tall in an atmosphere of intriguesome parts are broken and crushed by age there is some amazing thing that flows from the bricks and pavement, the gutters and dirt that have an interest of there ownclouds that are broken but not to any destructioncomic relief (a taste for the theatrical)lights are enough to bring the dark to wisdom
the street comes cold in the midst of crowds. wondering what the minds are full ofit looks like i have a clue when i don't
darkness comes in like a mouse sneaking and we join the workers on the ride home
skateboards on the hill home

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

first page of images

A beginning. Here are seven images of my printmaking work from my bachelors degree at UNC:
"IS THAT A PORTRAIT OF GENE?" Direct Trace Monotype with Watercolor 11 x 14

"inconsistent" Collagraph 10 x 19.5

"BLACK FIGURE STUDY" Linocut 6 x 8

"WOUND STUDY II" Linocut 12 x 21

"sin" Drypoint on Galvanized Steel 1.5 x 7.75

"PORTRAIT OF MICHAEL RED PROOF" Woodcut 14.25 x 18.25

"MY WIFE" Linocut 12 x 16