Monday, September 6, 2010

million rectangles (I)

this is the first real post about my million rectangles. i say "real" because i want to start with the beginning of the process after having done the planning and test prints. after considering for a while what kind of material to use i found that i could use stair treads that are relatively cheap, so that is what i used for the test plate. after printing ten sheets i decided to try and find a more cost effective material for the plates and in a conversation with my Dad we discussed using a piece of furniture (deconstructing and then making plates from the wood). with some shopping behind me (unfruitful shopping because most of the furniture i found was made of particle board and other shoddy materials) i went out on a date with Shauna to get some treats for breakfast and we happened upon a thrift store that was going out of business. the top floor didn't yield anything so we went downstairs and discovered a bookshelf that seemed to be the perfect wood for the job (it was hard enough and old enough to have pretty good grain)...
this is the shelf in the thrift store basement after taking all the books and shelves out
with help from my buddy Brad, we dismantled it and hauled it down to the school so i could start building plates.
these are the shelves which ended up being the primary material.
another shot of them.
the edge of a shelf after i drilled for the dowels
the glue "smooing" out from the edge glued/doweled/and clamped wood
three plates clamped (or at least parts of plates, i had to build some of them with more than two pieces of wood)
after the gluing i put them in the corner of the wood shop to dry. so there is the first step of a few to get a million rectangles printed.

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